Friday, January 10, 2014

Valentine's Day Gifts

Hello everyone, I didn't realize it had been so long since my last post but a lot has been happening.

I am still looking for an actual paying job but I'm having a lot of fun spending time with my beautiful daughter.

A friend of mine and I recently started up a knitting/crochet group, and by recently, I mean today. We had about eleven people crammed into my house. It was great! We made new contacts and even met the woman who will be opening up a yarn store just minutes from my house! I can't wait...have to save up my pennies.

Since I didn't do anything for Thanksgiving or Christmas, I thought I would start this year off by posting a heart pattern in honor of Valentine's Day. It's a very simple pattern and I left it that way so it can be embellished by the user. It was made for knitters but maybe someone, somewhere can convert it to a crochet pattern.

This is a simple heart pattern that I worked up fairly quickly at the request of another friend looking for a gift idea; she intends to use it for washcloths. I hope to do another one soon that has more hearts of varying sizes on it. If anyone wants a PDF copy of the pattern, send me a message and I will gladly send you a copy.

I hope you enjoy it.

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